Terms and Conditions

This section sets out the Terms and Conditions by which Deadly
Acts Theatre agrees to provide products and services to you.

Effective date: March 20, 2018

01. Introduction

1.1 This section sets out the Terms and Conditions by which Deadly Acts Theatre agrees to provide products and services to you.

1.2 When you book or purchase any product or service from us, you are signifying your agreement to these Terms and Conditions. These are  part of the booking service and are available in hard copy upon request. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with them before you book or purchase any product or service from us.

1.3 We reserve the right to modify, cancel or append to these Terms and Conditions without notice. The current Terms and Conditions will always apply to persons upon entering the booking process. On renewal of any Deadly Acts Theatre product or service, the most recent Terms and Conditions shall apply.

1.4 Deadly Acts Theatre is based in Glasgow, Scotland.

1.5 We can be contacted by email at

02. Definitions.

2.1 Deadly Acts Theatre refers to all aspects of Deadly Acts Theatre (including Deadly Acts Theatre, Productions, Shows, Education & Outreach and Event(s) unless otherwise stated.

2.2 “Deadly Acts Theatre”, “we”, ”us”, or “our” refers to Deadly Acts Theatre and any of its directors, officers, employees, managers, volunteers, subcontractors, agents.

2.3 “Show(s)”, refers to the individual and self contained show(s) offered by Deadly Acts Theatre.

2.4 “Inform”, “Notify”, “Communicate” and “Contact” are the processes by which we exchange information and enter into contracts regarding our products or services.

2.5 “Booking” refers to the process of entering into and the agreement made for Deadly Acts Theatre to provide a Show and/or Event.

2.6 “Booking Form” is the form that we may send to you for completion prior to confirming any Booking.

2.7 “You” or “The Client”, refers to a person or organisation buying products or services from us and is accepting these conditions not only for itself but as an authorised agent of the Guests or Party.

2.8 “Guest(s)”, is any person(s) attending the event or show provided by us.

2.9 “Party”, is any person(s) attending the event or show provided by us.

2.10 “Event(s)”, refers to individual and self contained event(s) offered by Deadly Acts Theatre.

2.11 Our “Website” is

03. Liabilities

3.1 General Disclaimer: For the avoidance of doubt, all our products and services are provided on an “as is” basis and save as expressly stated herein without representations, conditions, warranties or other terms of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, events, non-infringement or title but excluding the implied warranties of satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose.

3.2 Cancellations & Venue Changes.

3.2.1 We reserve the right to cancel any show/event or other service at any time up to and including the date the event starts. Should this occur we will endeavour to give you at least five day’s notice but cannot guarantee this. We will attempt to offer you a viable alternative or refund of any fee paid. We cannot be held liable for any cancellation costs (hotel, travel etc) you may incur should an event or show be cancelled.

3.2.2 We reserve the right to cancel any show/event up to and including the start time of said show/event if we feel that any Client, Guest or Party behave in a manner we deemed inappropriate, behave dangerously or act in a manner so as to disrupt the event.

3.2.3 Occasionally it is necessary to change the venue of our shows or events. We aim to give five days notice where this occurs and we will endeavour to ensure that the alternative venue is within a reasonable travelling distance from the original but we cannot guarantee this.

3.3 Health and Safety: Our shows and events are live performance(s) and may incorporate but not limited to, loud bangs or explosions, weapons, violence, menace, elements of horror, lighting effects (strobe) etc. As a guest you will be in close proximity to the performance and shall abide by and comply with any request or order made by or on behalf of Deadly Acts Theatre on the grounds of safety, whether it be the safety of the Client, Guest or some other person.

3.3.1 The Client and every Guest agrees that the opinion of Deadly Acts Theatre is final in regards to any matters appertaining to safety and the Client and every Guest agrees to abide by any such opinion howsoever expressed.

3.3.2 Deadly Acts Theatre accepts no liability for loss, injury or damage of any nature whatsoever, wether direct or consequential , arising out of provision of Event(s), save as provided under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.

3.4 Personal Property: Deadly Acts Theatre accepts no responsibility in respect of any loss or damage to any property of the Client or any Guest.

3.5 Other Losses: We do not accept responsibility for any loss or expense due to circumstances beyond our control, including but not limited to, delays in public transport, weather, quarantine, sickness, bereavement, strikes or other industrial action, terrorism, fire and riot.

3.5.1 Without prejudice to the other terms of this agreement, in no event (including our own negligence) will we be liable for any:

  • economic losses (including, without limitation, loss of revenues, profits, contracts, businesses or anticipated savings);
  • loss of goodwill reputation;
  • any other special, indirect or consequential losses; or
  • loss to third parties.

3.6 Third Parties: A person who is not party to these Terms and Conditions or any agreement or document incorporating these Terms and Conditions shall have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any of its terms.

04. Use of Personal Information

From time to time, photographs, film, video or audio recordings may be made during Deadly Acts Theatre events for publicity, promotional or broadcast purposes. Please inform us before any such event if you do not wish to appear or be identified in any such material.

05. Miscellaneous

5.1 These Terms and Conditions and any Booking Form you have signed constitutes the entire agreement between you and us in connection with your Booking, purchase or use of any of our products and events superseding any prior agreements between you and us.

5.2 You agree that you have entered into these Terms and Conditions without reliance on any representation, warranty or undertaking by us, which is not set out expressly in these Terms and Conditions.

06. Contract/Booking Forms

You must provide us with all required details in order for us to confirm any Show or Event.

07. Payment and Deposits

7.1 The cost of Deadly Acts Theatre Events and Shows and valid methods of payment will be given to the Client upon request from Deadly Acts Theatre. We reserve the right to alter prices at any time without prior notice. We will not pursue for additional costs to Events or Shows Booked at the previously agreed rate. We will not refund any additional costs made if Event or Show prices are reduced after booking.

7.2 Deposits are required to be paid directly to Deadly Acts Theatre before any Booking can be confirmed.

7.3 Full payment for each Event must be received by Deadly Acts Theatre a minimum of 14 days prior to the Event date, or by the agreed deadline if a Show or Event is Booked within a 14 day period.

08. Changes, Cancellations and Refunds

8.1 All deposits, however paid, are non-refundable.

8.2 In the event of non-payment in full after the minimum 14 day period we reserve the right to cancel the Event, retain any deposit and offer the Event to another Client.

8.3 In the event of full payment being received and for any reason you cancel the Event within 14 days of the Event date, you will receive no refund.

8.4 Should you cancel your booking and allow a minimum of 14 days notice prior to the Event you will receive a full refund.

8.5 If for any reason you cancel a show that has been booked within a 14 day period and have paid a deposit you will receive no refund and will be liable to pay 100% of the agreed price.

8.6 If an Event is cancelled due to any Client, Guest or Party behaving in a manner we deem inappropriate, dangerous or so as to disrupt the event. No refund will be given to that Client, Guest or Party.

09. Content

9.1 We reserve the right to alter, vary, omit or substitute any part or parts of any Event or Show provided by us and described in any promotional or other materials published by us or on our behalf.

9.2 In the event of any change in any content as described by us, we will have no liability to refund any part of any fee or deposit paid.

10. Transferring Bookings

Bookings made by any Client are transferable as long as we are informed as to any changes that may occur in those instances.

11. Contact

11.1 We may wish to contact you by post, telephone, email or fax. Notifications sent to you by post will be deemed received by you within 2 working days. Any other notifications will be deemed received by you within 1 working day.

11.2 It is your responsibility to ensure we have current contact details for you.

12. Law and Jurisdiction - Scotland

12.1 Any failure of these Terms and Conditions if found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavour to give effect to the parties’ intentions as reflected in the provision and that other provisions remain in full force and effect.

These are our standard terms and conditions

For productions, events, shows, outreach and /or corporate activities: additional and/or changes to these terms and conditions will be negotiated, if applicable, on a client by client basis and will be confirmed by Deadly Acts Theatre in writing.


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